Here' another unusual post for the O-L, and this time the link to creativity is that much more tenuous..
Dan over at Dirtymouse tagged me, in the game of Seven Songs for Spring, whereby I have to list 7 songs I’m listening to at the moment. Im not sure if it has to be based on a particular reasoning, but for now it's just what Im listening to today. Itunes is set to random, so I should say that my tastes are far more eclectic than what may be indicated by the following... :-D
1. 16 Lovers - Caged Baby
2. Light - Hans Zimmer
3. The Rip -Portishead
4. UFO - Sufjan Stevens
5. Edit Music for a Film -Unkle
6. Gravity's Rainbow - Klaxons (SoulWax Remix)
7. Powerball 5 - MF Doom and Madlib
I would have stuck in at no.7 'Love Will Tear Us Apart - Nouvelle Vague & Eloisia', but Dan listed that, so 'Powerball' kicked in next and that took it's place.
Ok so not sure who to tag but for starters I'll tag David again at September Industries on Dan's behalf.
Also, just for the hell of it, I'll tag some other random bloggers like...
Scott Hansen at ISO50,
David at David Airey,
John D Boardley at I Love Typography,
Fabio Sasso at Abduzeedo,
Johan at Styleboost,
Dmitry Utkin at Design you trust,
and see what happens...
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